How Do I Setup the Tool Library on my CNC Machine


With exception of the Current Z and Diameter Offset the settings in the tool libbrary are only used for the Verify window.
1. Click Tools | Setup Library in the Main Menu.
The Setup Tool Library window is displayed.
2. Select Tool 01
- Enter a Description for the Tool Like "0.125” Endmill".
- Enter the Diameter of the Tool
- Select the Tool Type End Mill, Ball Mill, etc...
- If you have multiple tools you can use a common Z Axis reference and then select Current Z and the machine will compute the difference in tool lengths.
- Depending on the level of precision you can enter a diameter offset if the tool is over or undersized.
- Enter the Station Number if you have a Tool Changer
- Number of Teeth and Material are for Reference Only
3. Next Clock Apply to save the settings.
4. Click OK to close the Setup Tool Library.