If you are using CNCMotion to control your machine, we recommend you switch to CNCBase.
If you wish to continue using CNC Motion then note that the tool library is saved per user and not per PC.
1. Home the machine.
2. Goto the select tool dialog and select tool 0 / reference and then slick select tool.
2. Your reference tool 0, will have 0.0 offset in the library. The tool should be touched off and zeroed off something like the top of the vice or a piece of stock. If it is a piece of stock, label it as reference and keep it for use in the future.
3. Then using the select tool dialog to select each tool one by one and touch off the same object.
4. Open the Tool Library Current Z button selected in the tool library. Make sure after you hit Apply and close the tool library dialog the absolute position shows 0.000 for Z. Write down the number for each tool.

5. Then move to the next tool using the select tool dialog and repeat until your done.
6. Go back and re-verify each of tools touch off at 0.000
7. Close the software and turn off the machine. File -> Exit
8. Reboot the PC, Home the machine and check each of the tools zeros again. The machine should return the tools to 0.000" +/- .002in / .05mm.
a.) If it does not, check the Height offset values in the tool library. If the values are different from the values written down it is probably a software permissions, or an reset application like Deepfreeze.
b.) Try again setting up the library as an administrator or with Deepfreeze disabled on the PC using your recorded values.
c.) If the Height offset values are the same then it could be a mechanical/electrical issue with the machine.
9. If they zero properly then cut a part, if while cutting a part or after it drifts down then the issue is tool pull out. This usually caused by the collet nut being tightened enough or the collet not being snapped into the collet nut before inserting the cutter.
1. Insert your reference tool in the spindle and using the Select Tool Dialog select T00 Reference then click Select Tool.
2. Confirm the machine info dialog shows Tool 00