CNCBase or CNCMotion : Waiting for Spindle to Start

CNCBase or CNCMotion : Waiting for Spindle to Start

You receive the message Waiting for Spindle to Start. This error can happen using a machine On-Line or in Simulation

This is caused by one of a few technical problems with the PC and Control Software. The Bench/Pro machines doe not use a spindle start signal, this message is legacy from previous generation machines.

1. Your PC has been running for a long period of time and one of the Windows networking services has stopped working correctly.
Solution: Reboot your PC and Try Again.

2. Your PC has partially installed Windows updates.  
Check for Windows updates and make sure you are up to date. This may require system administrator permissions to resolve.

3. CNCBase or CNCMotion has closed incorrectly and has an error in the files that map features in the machine.
This procedure must be done by a system administrator. Incorrectly performing this procedure could damage your Windows installation.
Uninstall CNCBase or CNC Motion
Goto: %appdata%\Intelitek\  and delete any folders named CNCBase or CNCMotion
Goto: C:\programdata\Intelitek
Re-Install CNCBase or CNCMotion ( Download Link)

4. Try a PC with a clean installation of Windows as some other piece of software may be interfering with the operation of the machine control software.